Trademark law is an expansive area of law that can take years to master. Leave it to an expert.
There are numerous and varied legal considerations to take into account when protecting your trademark. You need a legal team that knows how to navigate the laws governing brands and trademarks so you can not only secure your rights, but profit from them. See a brief explanation of some of the trademark topics we handle below.
A trademark or service mark (also collectively known as marks) includes any word, name, symbol, device, or any combination thereof, used to identify and distinguish the goods and services of one seller or provider from those of others. In other words, trademarks are also used to indicate the source of the goods and services. The owner of a mark may have legal rights even if it is not registered. However, federal registration of a mark has several advantages. The intellectual attorneys at The Plus IP Firm are experienced in acquiring trademarks to protect businesses and their products and services. The attorneys at The Plus IP Firm have acquired thousands of registered trademarks on behalf of their clients. The attorneys at The Plus IP Firm have also litigated trademark issues in both federal and state courts. To learn more about trademark registrations and the benefits of registration, please CLICK HERE.
Trademark prosecution is a term that is typically used to describe the process that involves filing a trademark or service mark application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) and arguing against any Office Action(s) received from the USPTO. The trademark prosecution process starts when an application for a trademark or service mark registration is filed with the USPTO. To learn more about trademark prosecution, please CLICK HERE.
A trademark clearance search is a very important of the trademark registration and trademark prosecution process. A trademark search is a review of various sources, including trademark databases, to determine whether a particular trademark or service mark (1) infringes the rights of a prior user and (2) can be registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”). A business will allocate significant amounts of money, resources and time to develop a brand. Before investing in a particular trademark or service mark, a business or individual should determine if a trademark or service mark could be registered with the USPTO. To learn more about trademark clearance searches, please CLICK HERE.
Trade dress is a term that is used to describe the “total image and overall appearance” of a product’s design or packaging. A business or individual may use trademark law to prevent others from using similar product design trade dress or product packaging trade dress. To learn more about trademark trade dress protection, please CLICK HERE.
FAQ – As experienced patent and trademark attorneys, many of our clients ask similar questions. CLICK HERE to read our answers to frequently asked trademark related questions.