Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has spawned a variety of different inventions to alleviate the negative effects of the disease. In the United States, shortages of essential items such as facemasks, gloves, and anti-bacterial solutions has created a unique demand for out-of-the-box thinking and innovation. Inventors have responded, bringing numerous novel inventions and improvements of existing inventions to the market.
Protective Facemasks
Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, companies and individuals alike have taken it upon themselves to lend their knowledge and expertise to the fight and join the rapidly growing network of inventors innovating in the Corona Virus treatment and spread-prevention arena. Due to the unprecedented demand of protective face masks, and consequently the scarcity, the innovation in this space has seen exponential growth over the relevant period of time. While N95 masks have been determined to be useful in combating the spread of the novel virus, they don’t fully block many viral particles, nor can they kill the virus. In addition, the masks are in extreme demand and the shortage has led to consumers and hospitals being unable to purchase them. As a result, a need for alternatives has been widely felt and inventors are responding to this need. Inventors across the world have come up with new versions of protective facemasks. Some of these inventors are creating completely new products, improving the protective functionality of face masks by guarding the eyes or including filters with antiviral and antibacterial agents. Others are taking already existing items from the market, like snorkeling masks and face shields, and using 3D Printing technology and other methods and processes to transform these products into protective facemasks.
3D Printing
As was the case with protective facemasks, other products that we normally take for granted have left empty spaces on shelves, in hospital rooms, and in our cabinets at home. While 3D printing has seen a surge in its practical use over the last few years, the last few months have seen a particularly sharp increase in the use of and need for 3D printed products. Producers of 3D printers like Formlabs are considering taking on a new purpose: keeping the products that they would normally sell and using them to produce nasal swabs for COVID-19 testing, as well as face shields to deter further spread of the virus. Other companies like HP and SmileDirectClub are using their 3D printers to produce ventilator valves, facemask clamps, and breathing filters. Individuals are getting involved as well. Many individual 3D printer owners have shared their 3D printing plans for public use to encourage the production of some of the items mentioned above, as well as items geared to a broader market, such as hands-free door openers, customizable facemasks, and ventilators that use snorkel masks as their foundation.
Experienced Patent Attorneys
In a situation like the one at hand, innovation plays an important role in promoting the health and safety of people all around the world. While there is great opportunity to bring new inventions related to the COVID-19 pandemic to market, the need to properly protect those inventions still exists and may be more important now than ever before. Having the right lawyers on your side to protect your inventions can make all the difference. The Plus IP Firm’s experienced patent lawyers represent inventors of all types seeking to prevent, treat and eliminate coronavirus disease. We will fight to win your case, so you can profit from your inventions. Learn more during a free case evaluation.
Coronavirus related innovations
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How are others fighting coronavirus?